Update: Justice-Involved Live Webinars

Date: September 18, 2024
From: Health Plan of San Joaquin/Mountain Valley Health Plan (Health Plan)
To: Health Plan Providers
Type: Informational
Subject: Update: Justice-Involved Live Webinars
Business: Medi-Cal Managed Care

As recently communicated by Health Plan, Medi-Cal’s Outreach and Education Department, along with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), are offering Justice-Involved Live Webinars. The below is an updated list of webinars that are available.

DHCS Justice-Involved Learning Collaborative

Session 3: Services, Billing, & Claiming Session Part II 

September 26, 10:00am-12:00pm

Pre-release services overview (BH focused); Screening & Assessment; Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT); Medi-Cal codes; Claim requirements & format; BH links. Registration: https://manatt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMufuysqzMjHdA_mLQcfrog_8B63qS9vTnf#/registration

Office Hours

October 3, 10:00am-11:00am

Topics covered in Session 3: Services, billing, & claiming part II

There is no need to register for office hours. You can join at this link: https://manatt.zoom.us/j/97863118298#success

Session 4: ECM, Warm Hand-offs, & Auto Assign 

October 17, 10:00am-12:00pm 

MCP Meet & Greets; ECM overview; Warm hand-off expectations; Data-sharing; MCP auto-assignment. Registration: https://manatt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwud–gqDMqGNZ4R7O1HrRmwl6hl0jIHG-J#/registration

Office Hours

October 24,10:00am-11:00pm 

Topics covered in Session 4: ECM, warm hand-offs, & auto assign.

There is no need to register for office hours. You can join at this link: https://manatt.zoom.us/j/97863118298

Session 5: Pharmacy

November 14, 10:00am-12:00pm 

Various topics related to pharmacy, meds in hand. Registration: https://manatt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUvfuqvqDoqGdPcMXeerRM42bfComE4QLsm#/registration

Office Hours

November 21, 10:00am-11:00am

Topics covered in Session 5: Pharmacy 

There is no need to register for office hours. You can join at this link: https://manatt.zoom.us/j/97863118298

Session 6: High-Level Recap

December 5, 10:00am-12:00pm 

Post-Readiness Approval Onboarding Checklist & Remaining Topics TBD

Registration: https://manatt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkdOivrjstGtaAPyM0O2vt3PMnzcuwYYqJ#/registration

Office Hours 

December 12, 10:00am-11:00am

Topics covered in Session 6: Recap, checklist, remaining topics.

There is no need to register for office hours. You can join at this link: https://manatt.zoom.us/j/97863118298

* This is a draft schedule for the coming months, subject to change based on availability and shifting needs and priorities. Additionally, all sessions will be recorded and shared.

Note: To view all the webinars above, providers must have internet access and a user profile in the Medi-Cal Learning Portal (MLP). Detailed instructions about the registration process and how to access webinar classes are available on the Medi-Cal Providers website at https://mcweb.apps.prd.cammis.medi-cal.ca.gov/references/education.

For additional assistance, contact the DHCS Telephone Service Center (TSC) at 1-800-541-5555.

If you have any further questions, please contact your Provider Services Representative, or call our Customer Service Department at 1-888-936-PLAN (7526). You may also visit https://www.hpsj.com/alerts/ for online access to the documents shared. The most recent information about Health Plan and our services is always available on our website WWW.HPSJ-MVHP.ORG

Virtual Look and Learn

Posted on September 20th, 2024
