


Health Plan of San Joaquin’s (HPSJ) Population Health Management Program was made to meet member needs. Members can join the program in many ways. HPSJ’s Population Health Management programs are free to all eligible HPSJ members.

Population Health

Program Goals:

  • Improve your health by including you in your own care.
  • Lower your health risks through the programs.
  • Build skills to change and keep up behaviors that lower risk factors.
  • Offer education and support to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
  • Help you build skills to increase self-management.
  • Push support from all people involved in your health.
Prenatal Programs icon


Our “Me and My Baby” program follow’s you in your journey. Our program starts with you in your pregnancy, through delivery, and on into parenting. Topics include:

Women's Health icon

Women’s Health

HPSJ is committed to the health of our ladies! Learn about the ways we want to help you stay healthy:

Posted on April 9th, 2019 and last modified on February 14th, 2023.
