COVID-19 affects all of us, one way or another. Let’s do our part to stay safe and help others stay healthy. We have gathered a list of social media posts and messages that you can freely use to post on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts.
COVID-19 affects all of us, one way or another. Let’s do our part to stay safe and help others stay healthy. We have gathered a list of social media posts and messages that you can freely use to post on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts.
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Message Suggestion
You get to help prevent the spread. Help those you love. Make sure they understand their risks and have a plan to stay safe and healthy. Learn More: #covid19 #StayHealthy #protectthosearoundyou #hpsj #stayhome #shelterinplace
You get to help prevent the spread. Help those you love. Make sure they understand their risks and have a plan to stay safe and healthy. Learn More: #covid19 #StayHealthy #protectthosearoundyou #hpsj #stayhome #shelterinplace
The virus hates soap. Good hygiene is best at keeping it away. Learn More: #covid19 #StayHealthy #protectthosearoundyou #hpsj #stayhome #washyourhands #shelterinplace
How are you staying connected with family and friends? Schedule a virtual happy hour or coffee break with a loved one. Learn More: #covid19 #StayHealthy #protectthosearoundyou #hpsj #stayhome #shelterinplace
Nobody is immune to the virus. You may not get sick, but you can be a carrier and pass it on to someone who can’t beat it. Learn More: #covid19 #StayHealthy #protectthosearoundyou #hpsj #stayhome #washyourhands
Healthcare workers continue to work long shifts and dedicate their time to caring for us. Learn More: #covid19 #StayHealthy #protectthosearoundyou #hpsj #stayhome #washyourhands
Think it’s just a cold? Call your doctor’s office and schedule an over-the-phone appointment. Learn More: #covid19 #StayHealthy #protectthosearoundyou #hpsj #stayhome #washyourhands #shelterinplace
Las personas mayores de 60 años o con condiciones preexistentes tienen un mayor riesgo de enfermedad grave y muerte. Toma las medidas necesarias para proteger a los que amas.
Tienes la oportunidad de ayudar a prevenir la propagación. Ayuda a los que amas. Asegúrese de que entiendan los riesgos y que tengan un plan para mantenerse seguros y saludables.
Piensa que es solo un resfriado? Llame a su doctor y haga una cita telefonica.
El virus odia el jabón. Una buena higiene es lo mejor para mantenerlo alejado.
Nadie es inmune al virus. Puede que no te enfermes, pero puedes ser portador y pasándolo a alguien que no puede vencerlo.
Posted on April 9th, 2020 and last modified on July 29th, 2022.