Notification of Mail Theft and Potential Fraud

To: Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ) Providers
From: Provider Services Department
Subject: Notification of Mail Theft and Potential Fraud
Business: Medi-Cal, MCAP (Formerly known as AIM)

In keeping with our Fraud, Waste and Abuse policies, HPSJ wants to keep you informed of a potential mail theft or fraud that may impact you or your practice.

Recently, a number of our valued providers have experienced break-ins to their mailboxes, losing personal and business information to thieves. In some of these cases, fraud against both individuals as well as the business have taken place as a direct result of the theft.

We wanted to make you aware and ask that you take extra measures to ensure your mail cannot be accessed by anyone but you. Should you experience any such theft, please alert HPSJ immediately if you suspect our members’ information was stolen.

If you know of specific HPSJ members with their information lost in a theft, please notify our Provider Services Department at (209) 942-6340 so we, in turn, can notify and alert our members.

If you have any questions or concerns that you or any of your HPSJ members have been affected by a theft of their personal information, please contact our Provider Services Department at (209) 942-6340.

Posted on January 20th, 2016 and last modified on September 9th, 2022.
