REMINDER: Coordination of care Between Emergency Departments and Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)

Date: December 19, 2016
To: Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ) Emergency Department Providers
From: HPSJ Medical Management Department
Subject: REMINDER: Coordination of care Between Emergency Departments and Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Business: Medi-Cal

Emergency Department Partners:
This is a reminder to our contracted acute care hospital Emergency Departments of the importance of the coordination of care between hospitals and the patient’s Primary Care Physicians (PCP).

HPSJ is committed to ensuring that patient care is communicated between practitioners and across medical settings, and is timely and complete. As a patient’s condition or care changes during the course of an acute or chronic illness, it is vitally important that updated clinical information is provided to the patient’s PCP for the patient’s well-being and safety.

When a patient is discharged from the ER to home, a discharge summary should be sent to the patient’s PCP that includes the reason the patient was seen, what treatments were given, medications prescribed and what follow up recommendations were provided, especially how quickly to see the PCP.

HPSJ’s Customer Service department can be reached at 888-936-PLAN (7526), or TTY/TDD 711, should a patient not be able to identify his/her PCP, or not have their ID card available.

If you have questions, please contact our Provider Services Department at 209-942-6340.

Posted on December 19th, 2016 and last modified on September 9th, 2022.
