Health Careers Scholarship Program
Are you planning on becoming a medical or health care professional in the Central Valley?

Health Plan continues to support our community and help develop future local healthcare workforce

Health Plan of San Joaquin/Mountain Valley Health Plan (“Health Plan”) dedicates $58,000 this school year to support 26 local students on their road to becoming health care professionals –

 Lizeth Granados, HPSJ Chief Operating Officer

“We believe that during this pandemic it is even more essential to offer tangible support and encouragement to nurture this next generation of healthcare professionals. All student applicants were awarded a scholarship of either $3000 (Health Plan Health Careers Awardees). Beyond these important financial resources, the Health Plan Health Careers Awardees receiving the full $3,000 scholarship also have the benefit of a personal mentor from our professional Health Plan staff. Further, they are invited to attend Quarterly Health Career Scholar Networking & Enrichment Virtual Mixer/Check-Ins. The Health Plan mentors are eager to continue this program we started several years ago.”

Lizeth Granados, Health Plan Chief Operating Officer
and Health Plan Health Careers Awardees Mentor

$77,000 for Local Student Scholarships – Latest Healthcare Workforce Investments from Health Plan (Latino Times, October 2020)

Joanna Valenzuela, HCSP and ACAP scholarship winner.

Joanna was named the winner of the 2019 ACAP Scholarship Essay Contest. Joanna was nominated by Health Plan—whose nominees have been selected by a panel of independent judges in three of the past six scholarship contests.

An honors graduate with degrees in biology and physics from University of California, Merced, Joanna is studying nursing at Modesto Junior College and will soon transfer to California State University—Stanislaus to complete a bachelor’s degree in nursing.

Joanna Valenzuela, HCSP and ACAP scholarship winner. Her long-term goal is to become a nurse practitioner and work in underrepresented communities in Stanislaus County. 

Get inspired – The ACAP Coffee Break Podcast

Health Plan is a member of ACAP, the  Association for Community Affiliated Plans. The ACAP Coffee Break Podcast features ACAP CEO Meg Murray in conversation with Safety Net Health Plan leaders. Why did they choose health care? What defines their leadership style? What do they look for in upcoming leaders? Find inspiration, practical tips for your education and health profession career. Each episode will also feature a book recommendation from the podcast guest. They’ve saved those recommendations in a Goodreads book list. Subscribe now to the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.


College Student

College Student Resources during COVID-19

Health Plan would like to let you know it is essential that we support our future generations together with the resources you need to get through this crisis with its many unknowns.

Here are some valuable resources from that we hope will ease some of the anxiety and challenges that you may be experiencing as you look for advice and guidance. Click here to learn more.


The Health Careers Scholarship Program is open to local, graduating high school seniors and first year, full-time or full load (minimum 12 units) college students at a *participating school. Students applying for the scholarship must demonstrate a commitment to pursue a medical or healthcare career in the Central Valley, show academic excellence, as well as, a dedication to community service and a need for financial support.

Planning to become a medical or healthcare professional in the Central Valley? Up to 16 students pursuing a medical or healthcare career will receive $3,000 as part of Health Plan’s Health Careers Scholarship Program. Health Plan provides a Mentorship Program to provide scholarship awardees with educational support and guidance from a knowledgeable professional. Participation in the Mentorship Program is mandatory for scholarship awardees.

Up to 16 students pursuing a medical or healthcare career will receive $3,000 as part of Health Plan’s Health Careers Scholarship Program.

Participating Schools

San Joaquin County

Stanislaus County

Program History

The Health Careers Scholarship Program is open to local, graduating high school seniors and first year, full-time (minimum 12 units) or full load college students at a *participating school.

Time Line


In 2009, Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ) noticed the challenges in the Central Valley regarding: 1) provider capacity, 2) access to care and 3) a limited number of new clinicians coming into the region. In response to this disparity, HPSJ launched a Health Careers Scholarship Program to award $2,500 to graduating high school seniors who showed an interest in pursuing a higher education toward a medical career in the Central Valley.

The original concept for the Health Careers Scholarship Program was to increase the potential for regional students to return to the Central Valley area as practicing physicians. Coupled with this overarching objective were interests in promoting HPSJ’s community reinvestment and increasing HPSJ’s recognition among educators, policy makers and stakeholders. The Health Careers Scholarship Program allowed HPSJ to gain up-front recognition for funding scholarships that it had historically sponsored through other agencies such as, the Black Employees Association, LULAC and El Concilio, et al.


In 2010, launched its Continuing Education Scholarship Program, allowing prior awardees to apply for reduced funding in the amount of $1,000. This funding aided in offsetting some of the awardees’ continuing education costs.


In 2001 with HPSJ’s increasing engagement in Stanislaus County, which yielded a growing membership, the Health Careers Scholarship Program expanded in 2011 to provide scholarships to Stanislaus County students.


In 2015, HPSJ refined the Health Careers Scholarship Program and created partnerships with seven agencies with specialized education.
Working directly with specific partners, HPSJ’s Health Careers Scholarship Program applications were exclusively available to candidates attending or participating in one of the following schools:

San Joaquin County:

  1. San Joaquin Delta College Nursing Program
  2. Decision Medicine A Program Of The San Joaquin Medical Society
  3. Health Careers Academy High School
  4. University of the Pacific, Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy

Stanislaus County:

  1. Grace Davis High School Health Careers Academy
  2. Modesto Junior College Nursing Program
  3. California State University, Stanislaus School of Nursing


In 2016, HPSJ expanded the scope of the Health Careers Scholarship Program and added a complementary Mentorship Program. Recipients of the Health Careers Scholarship Program are required to participate in the Mentorship Program. Click here to learn more. With the inception of the Health Careers Scholarship Program, HPSJ has distinguished itself as a noteworthy, champion for change in the eyes of the community. To date, over 170 scholarships have been awarded to deserving students in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties!


In 2019 the Health Careers Scholarship amount was increased from $2,500 to $3,000 per winner.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re sure you have a lot questions about Health Plan’s Health Careers Scholarship Program. Please visit the FAQ’s page for more information now.

Posted on January 28th, 2019 and last modified on February 25th, 2025.
