Steps to take to being healthy: men ages 40-64

Steps to take to being healthy: men ages 40-64

You should visit your doctor often, even if you feel healthy. The purpose of these visits is to: screen for health care issues, rate your risk for future health problems, support a healthy life and make sure you have all your shots. Help you get to know your doctor.

Blood pressure: Men in this age group should be checked every year and those who are at higher risk for high blood pressure may need more frequent visits.

Persons at higher risk including those who have high-normal blood pressure, those who are overweight or obese, and African Americans.1

Cholesterol testing: If you are a man older than 45, you might need more frequent testing depending on your risks. Check with your doctor.

Men with a history of heart attacks or strokes require regular cholesterol testing to monitor the effectiveness of their treatments.2

Colon cancer testing:

Colon Cancer testing: If you are younger than 45, find out if you are at higher risk of colon cancer because of family history, genetic disorders, or other reasons. Talk to your doctor about when you need to start testing and what tests are right for you.

Men should start color cancer testing at age 45, so talk to your doctor about which tests are best for you and how often colon cancer testing should be done.3

Diabetes (High blood sugar): At age 45 and older, high blood sugar should be screened each 3-years. If you are high-risk for high blood sugar due to your fitness level, family traits, or family past, screenings may need to be done more often.


Osteoporosis (brittle bones): Men older than 50 years or those with risks associated with bone loss could be tested. Talk to your doctor about which tests are best for you and how often testing should be done.4

Eyesight exam icon

Eyesight exam: Men who are healthy and have no symptoms of vision problems, should have an eye exam as follows:

  • Every 2 to 4 years from 40 to 54.
  • Every 1 to 3 years from 55 to 64.

Have your eyes checked more often if you have any risks. An eye exam helps find eye problems at their earliest when they are most treatable.5

dental-exam icon

Dental exam: Yearly to bi-yearly dental visits are a vital part of good health. Dental services are one of many programs covered under Medi-Cal. Beneficiaries receive dental services through Denti-Cal.

Immunizations: Yearly flu shots, tetanus boosters (each 10 years), and shingles or herpes (cold sores) zoster shot once after age 50.6

1 USPSTF. Accessed on 3/26/20; 2 Mayo Clinic. Accessed on 3/26/20; 3 American Family Physician. Accessed on 3/26/20; 4 American Cancer Society. Accessed on 3/26/20; 5 CDC. Accessed on 3/26/20; 6 Mayo Clinic. Accessed on 3/26/20.

Posted on May 30th, 2017 and last modified on October 18th, 2022.
