Well-Child Visits and Immunizations. Another way we take care of children.
(French Camp, CA) – Shelter in place caused many of us to put off appointments for regular health checkups for ourselves and our children.
Unfortunately, this caused a steep decline in accessing preventative health services for children now. While this has Health Plan of San Joaquin and many doctors concerned, our community can change these numbers for the better. HPSJ local provider offices and clinics have safely reopened, and parents can feel good by making appointments for well-child visits now that precautions have been established. Well-child visits are the perfect time to get up to date on your child’s immunizations.
Health screenings that identify disease and conditions in their most treatable stages are also provided during wellness visits. Some of these screenings include tests and assessments for vision, hearing, special education needs, asthma and blood lead screenings for children by their 6th birthday.
Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ) is committed to encouraging individuals and families to schedule their primary care, well-child and other clinical visits with their primary care physician. Additionally, HPSJ members are entitled to services that include transportation and language or interpretation supports. We will do our best to make it easy to keep you and your family healthy and safe.
Learn more at www.hpsj.com, or call our locally-based HPSJ Customer Service team at 888.936.7526, TTY/TDD 711.
About Health Plan of San Joaquin
Health Plan of San Joaquin, a not-for-profit, public health plan, has been serving members and the community since 1996. Located in the heart of California’s multicultural Central Valley, local HPSJ is the leading Medi-Cal managed care provider, serving over 90% of Medi-Cal recipients in San Joaquin County and over 70% in Stanislaus County. HPSJ offers a broad network of providers and works closely with doctors to develop programs and services to ensure quality health care for 396,000 members who are mostly working families and children, as well as seniors and disabled residents.
Media Contact:
Jill Center
Health Plan of San Joaquin
jcenter@hpsj.com or 209.461.2372